Are you looking for ways to improve the way that your data can be used to transform and monitor your business?
Would you like to combine the many sources of data that you have within your company with the many sources of data that are available externally to produce insightful management reports?
Do you want to achieve this using software that produces insightful business reports, has the added advantage of being able to transform and migrate data using in-built ETL functionality and can be supported internally by your own resources?
If you have answered “Yes” to any of the above questions then you may have come to the right place! I’m an IT professional who has spent many years working for companies around the World in all areas of IT (see About for details).
Recognising that businesses are now having to focus on gaining greater insights from their data I have focussed on Business Intelligence software, most recently Microsoft’s Power BI data analytics suite and it’s very powerful “M” and “DAX” languages.
Click here to view, in a separate tab, posts demonstrating how Microsoft Power BI and GIS software can be used to create sophisticated reports (alternatively, you can select from the list of recent posts in the right-hand column).

If you would like to find out more about what I can do for you in the areas of business reporting, data analysis or GIS then please contact me by email: